This app was built for UPTN in collaboration with IHC. It helps IHC and other hospital emergency workers provide better care for children in emergency situations.

Utah Pediatric Trauma Network Logo

Web Design Project for Utah Pediatric Trauma Network

We designed and development a web based application for UPTN. We then created a mobile application that syncs with the web application. The mobile app is available in both the Apple store & on Google Play.

homepage of the Utah Pediatric Trauma Network website
Conference page of the Utah Pediatric Trauma Network website
Dashboard and Benchmarks page of the Utah Pediatric Trauma Network website
Guidelines page of the Utah Pediatric Trauma Network website

Branding design work

Style guide

For UPTN's website design we chose colors that matched the ...




desktop computer and mobile phone both opened to the data page of the Utah Pediatric Trauma Network website

Web Design & Development


Laptop computer opened to the Data Entry page on the Utah Pediatric Trauma Network's website


Trauma Guidelines

Search Guidelines by Injury Category

Quick Links to Guidelines on Pediatric Trauma

Find guidelines quickly for pediatric trauma help

Utah Pediatric Trauma Hospitals

Search By Hospital Name

Filter by Trauma Level

Allows you to search hospitals in the network, save favorites, and links for guidelines to follow.

Utah Pediatric Conference

Get Information

Find the Schedule


Provides all the information you need on upcoming conferences, as well as recordings of keynotes from past conferences.

Mobile Website Design & Development

UPTN's old website wasn't very mobile friendly, so we rebuilt their site so that it looks great when people view their site on their computers, tablets, or mobile phones.